SG TX Twincreeks MJ Catching Fire *B AKA Miles
Birth Date 12/08/2013
S: TX Twincreeks BJ MockingJay
SS: Castle Rock Blue Jay
SD: GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil *M
D: Piddlin Acres Rachelalexandra *M
DD: Piddlin Acres Big Bang Theory
DS: Piddlin Acres BD Zenyatta
Piddlin Acres Rachelalexandra *M Photos Curtesy of Twin Creeks GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonparrell and Raven

Mile's Daighters

Rockstar Ranch Paint it Black
Birth Date 3/28/2014
S: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos+*B, VEV89 ELITE
Sire of 2018 ADGA National Show “Best Udder” doe “SGCH Old Mountain Farm Sunday Drive 3*M”
SS: NC Promisedland Tur-Beau+*B
SD: Old Mountain Farm Tianna Quinn
D: Old Mountain Farm Anahita 1*M, VEVE88 Dam of 2017 ADGA National Champion and Best Udder doe “CH Old Mountain Farm Merriment”
DS: Old Mountain Farm Just Keep it Zipped
DD: Roundabout Persian Princess
This boy is fabulous and polled. We are very excited about being able to use this guy.
He is co-Owned by me and Julie Lane from Celtic Pride Farm.

Mathiot's Paradise Unzipped Sale Pending
Birth Date 2/1/2019
S: Agape's Prize Keep it Zipped
SS: Old Mountain Farm JohnQ Public
SD: Old Mountain Farm Win-Zip
D: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Lilly 4*M VEEE 91
DS: SG Tx Twincreeks MJ Catching Fire *B
DD: SG Mathiot's Paradise N Latte 3*M
Birth Date 2/1/2019
S: Agape's Prize Keep it Zipped
SS: Old Mountain Farm JohnQ Public
SD: Old Mountain Farm Win-Zip
D: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Lilly 4*M VEEE 91
DS: SG Tx Twincreeks MJ Catching Fire *B
DD: SG Mathiot's Paradise N Latte 3*M

Kidco FO Biscotti
BD : 3/19/2018
S: Dill's BS Forte*B
SS: Dill's OH Bakyard Swagger
SD: GCH Dill's B*R Kia 2*M
D: Dill's PL Pizzelle 4*M
DS: Dill's BJ Playa
DD: GCH Dill's GA Pancetta 3*M
BD : 3/19/2018
S: Dill's BS Forte*B
SS: Dill's OH Bakyard Swagger
SD: GCH Dill's B*R Kia 2*M
D: Dill's PL Pizzelle 4*M
DS: Dill's BJ Playa
DD: GCH Dill's GA Pancetta 3*M

Mathiot's Paradise MG Legend
BD 11/06/2020
S: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
SS: Agape's Prize Unabridged
DS: GCH Mathiot's Paradise W Skittles 8*M
D: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Kandee 4*M
DS: SG TX Twincreeks MJ Catching Fire +*B
DD: Garden 'N Goat KN Simone 3*M
BD 11/06/2020
S: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
SS: Agape's Prize Unabridged
DS: GCH Mathiot's Paradise W Skittles 8*M
D: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Kandee 4*M
DS: SG TX Twincreeks MJ Catching Fire +*B
DD: Garden 'N Goat KN Simone 3*M

JW-TL Farms RHS Mace Sale Pending
BD 2/12/2021
S: Castle Rock Red Hot Saracha *+B
SS: Castle Rock Moonraker +*B
SD: GCH Castle Rock Sarafina 2*M
D: SGCH TX Twincreeks RM Anastasia 3*M
DS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B
DD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina 2*M
BD 2/12/2021
S: Castle Rock Red Hot Saracha *+B
SS: Castle Rock Moonraker +*B
SD: GCH Castle Rock Sarafina 2*M
D: SGCH TX Twincreeks RM Anastasia 3*M
DS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B
DD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina 2*M

Mathiot's Paradise L Fresh Promised
S: Mathiot's Paradise MG Legend
SS: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
SD: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Kandee 4*M
D: Mathiot's Paradise G Ivy
DS: CH Dill's CC Gandalf
DD: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Lilly 4*M
S: Mathiot's Paradise MG Legend
SS: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
SD: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Kandee 4*M
D: Mathiot's Paradise G Ivy
DS: CH Dill's CC Gandalf
DD: SGCH Mathiot's Paradise CF Lilly 4*M

Mathiot's Paradise Heartthrob Sale Pending
S: JW-TL Farms RHS Mace
SS: Castle Rock Red Hot Sarac SD: GGCH TX Twincreeks 'RM Anastasia 3*M
D: Mathiot's Paradise Gold Star
DS: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
DD: Mathiot's Paradise Black Star
S: JW-TL Farms RHS Mace
SS: Castle Rock Red Hot Sarac SD: GGCH TX Twincreeks 'RM Anastasia 3*M
D: Mathiot's Paradise Gold Star
DS: Mathiot's Paradise Mango
DD: Mathiot's Paradise Black Star